wasn’t always the fine-pouring stuff we know today. Anti-clumping agents for
salt didn’t debut until 1911 – resulting in Morton’s motto “When it rains, it
pours.” (For those living in the pourable age, this motto meant that, despite
the weather’s humidity, Morton’s salt would still pour.) Non-pourable salt
meant that salt shakers, invented in 1858, didn’t always behave as they should.
Before 1858, salt cellars were the means by which salt was kept.

cellars date back to ancient Rome, when they were simple affairs similar to chutney
dishes. But by the time history had produced ever-higher somersaults of design –
France under Francis I, for example – salt cellars had become ornate works of
art. The Cellini Salt Cellar, seen above, was created for Francis
I by the goldsmith Benvenuto Cellini between 1540 and 1543. It includes figures
of Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, and Neptune, the Roman god of the sea,
and is the most
famous salt cellar on earth. Made of gold, enamel, ivory and ebony,
when it
was stolen in 2003 it was valued at around $60 million. (Photo courtesy of the Encyclopedia
During the Kennedy administration of 1961 to 1963,
the White House opened its doors to this salt cellar graced with two molded
female figures. (Photo courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and
Victorians – never slouches in the area of ornamentation – enjoyed individual salt
cellars placed at each setting, or at the very least two, with each sitting on
opposite corners of the table. Such artistic vessels would have included this
pair done in silver-gilt from Robert Garrard II, London, in 1857 (and sold by
Christie’s in 2010 for $40,000). The Christie’s catalogue described them as “formed
as a shell-shaped boat riding the waves, supported by two dolphins, steered by
a winged sea-putto clasping a trident and tiller, with detachable liner, with
two oar-shaped salt spoons.” Delicious!
I prefer vintage or antique salt cellars, such as these in swan motifs from
GasLamp Too in Nashville. (Photo/Karen Parr-Moody)
Salt cellars have once again gained popularity. This one from L'Object features
blossoms handcrafted with enamel and rose quartz cabochons and the bowls
are made of white Limoges porcelain. What a nice gift for your favorite